Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oracle & Sun: Concentration in IT (Jaideep Venkatesan)

The reaction to Oracle's acquisition of Sun Microsystems has people buzzing about the potential combination of Oracle's database and enterprise application technology with Sun's hardware expertise (as well as its software innovations such as JAVA). The San Jose Mecury news notes that the acquisition makes sense in light of the efforts by other IT giants such as IBM, Cisco (noted in this post) and HP to acquire smaller companies at bargain prices to expand their product line. Cisco Subnet (a blog serving members of the Cisco customer community) relates that at least one analyst suggests that the merger is good for Cisco, which has partnered with Oracle and generally has a good relationship with Sun. InfoWeek contemplates whether Oracle's acquisition will spell the end of Java, by manipulating the development of a language relied upon by Oracle competitors IBM and SAP.

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